Thursday, September 6, 2007


Welcome back.

I found this site called Blogsvertise a.k.a How to Earn Revenue/Income from Your Blog. You can visit this at or just check out the outside link on the side bar. It's an interesting site where you are assigned tasks by the administrator to write about in your blog. It should be about 2-3 paragraphs long and approximately 75 words long. You must also include 3 links to the site your're writing about in your blog and the tasks must be completed within 5 days of being e-mailed to you.

You don't have to endorse the advertiser's site, complain about it, if you wish. Just write. If you're using the advertiser's products and services, write how you like it (or don't like it!), or how it changes your life. Then the people at will pay you using your paypal.

The catch? None I can see so far. Oh, you must have a blog first. And a PayPal account.

No pornographic / adult content is allowed. Your entry must remain online and be permanent. And as part of the signing up process, you're supposed to write about in your entry just so they know you know what it's all about. Signing up is pretty easy, you fill in a few things, and voila! it's all done. It's the approval part that's a bit harder. Will this writer's blog be approved? We'll see.

Since this blog is fairly new, I still have some adjustments to make. I have another blog site that I've tweaked since last year. It's a site where I ramble, rant and basically talk about nothing and everything. Anything that crosses my mind. Call it my punching bag if you will. You can check it out at . Leave a comment if you wish.

Until next time,

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